Alright, It all will be ok!
Date:2023-10-15 Author:xiin_rain

Weekly Highlights


Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
生日 多云 顿悟 海底捞 不遗憾 羽毛球 keep

This week has been quite eventful, filled with many lovely occurrences!

On Monday, it was Liu's birthday. We had stealthily ordered a cake for her, but alas, the surprise was spoiled as the message ended up in the wrong group, and she found out in advance.

Tuesday was rather overcast, with gloomy weather prevailing.

On October 11th, Wednesday, after enduring a prolonged period of confusion and exertion, a glimmer of insight finally dawned upon me. I marked this day as significant. I labeled it as an "epiphany," earnestly hoping that this revelation wasn't too belated and that I could glean further understanding and progress through diligent effort, communication, and perseverance.

Thursday, accompanied by Liu Bao & Chen Y, we set off at ten to indulge in Haidilao! We sang karaoke till 4 in the morning, releasing pent-up stress and discontent! It marked my first experience during my undergraduate years!

Friday, I strolled leisurely, coming to terms with the absence of regrets in my heart.

Saturday, I ventured into the school gymnasium for the first time to play badminton, accompanied by Liu Bao & Hui Bao; the dopamine released from physical activity allowed me to liberate myself from the burdensome pressure weighing on my mind. Stepping out of the school gate, I treated myself to some durian mille-feuille and bear-shaped mango gummies, which I had been longing for.

I prefer not to dwell on the unhappiness and distasteful encounters of this week here; I am aware that these shall all pass.

On Saturday, I had a phone call with my mom and learned of a not so good incident: a window in my room was mysteriously shattered (likely by some naughty kids in the neighborhood), and despite attempting to review the surveillance footage, we were unsuccessful. Consequently, I had to dip into my own pocket to cover the cost of replacement T T. Despite achieving a new high in scholarships this academic year, life has a knack for making you "spend money to avert disasters(破财消灾)" in other aspects.

Isn't it always the way? Over the past two to three months, I have been fortunate enough to unexpectedly reap some rewards and accomplishments. However, looking back now, it wasn't solely these joyous moments that characterized the journey; I experienced profound moments of confusion, intense anxiety, breakdowns in tears, arguments with my parents, and often felt profoundly isolated. Yet—

Friday, the sky was partially cloudy. From the library window, I caught sight of the bright, orange sun peeking through the clouds. The library was unusually bustling this semester, with everyone fervently scribbling away or glowering at screens with simmering resentment. I'm unsure if I was the only one, amidst idleness and aimlessness, to pause and capture the moment with a camera;

Similarly on Friday, while settling the bill at Hongqi, my earphone case slipped out of my pocket once more, causing both earphones to tumble out simultaneously; kind-hearted classmates nearby assisted in retrieving one and reminded me that the other was beneath the shelf. I meticulously combed through every inch around the shelf in a half-crouched position for twenty minutes, finally resorting to using my iPhone to track and emit a sound from the missing earphone, only to discover it wedged behind the shelf's support (no wonder it eluded detection);

Still on Friday, it was e's birthday, and a highly amusing photo surfaced on the evening moments—I was genuinely moved. Happy birthday to my dear friend.

Amidst frequent bouts of confusion and anxiety, life also often bestows surprises upon us. Alright, I'm beginning to grasp that all good things cannot unfold simultaneously, and I should allow room for disappointment and sadness to accompany the blessings; I should acknowledge that not all efforts yield immediate results, and that rewards aren't necessarily instantaneous despite my endeavors;
(p.s. Baicizhan I've successfully checked in for 7 consecutive days for the first time!)

Much like words written on the book, the textbook asserts "the road is winding"—progress entails twists and turns; "the future is bright"—progress amid adversity. During moments of hardship and weariness, amidst sadness and frustration, let's remember to anticipate the covert surprises life has in store, perhaps just around the corner. Here's to hoping for the fruition of good things.

Written by xiin_rain on 15 October 2023